
Instances when hiring a probate attorney becomes unavoidable

When a person passes on, the property and other assets they leave behind are legally referred to as deceased estate. When a person dies, they might either leave behind a will in which they appoint an administrator (also known as an executor) to the estate who will deal with settling the estate. Notably, when you have been appointed an executor to a deceased person's estate, you need to be sure that you settle the estate within the confines of the law by hiring a probate attorney to assist you. Read More 

How to Deal with Superannuation When You Draft a Will

When you make a detailed will and make sure that it is registered correctly, your affairs will generally be taken care of efficiently and in accordance with your wishes. This can certainly make life a lot easier for your dependents as they deal with the grief, but you can't automatically assume that your superannuation benefits will pass to them, just because they are accumulated in your name. Why do you have to handle this differently and what pitfalls could you face? Read More 

If You’re Thinking about Breeding a Cat or Dog at Home, Why Do You Need to Pause?

Do you consider yourself to be an avid animal lover and someone who has owned a number of different cats and dogs during your lifetime? You may be thinking about getting another pet or two as you've now got much more space in a new home. You may even be thinking about breeding, so that you can give some puppies and kittens away to a good home for some additional income. Read More 

Dealing with outstanding debt when selling a business

When selling businesses, many owners make the assumption that, once they have made the sale, the debt will disappear. They, therefore, approach the sale process from a point of ignorance and when things do not work out as they imagined, they end up taking drastic measures such as cancelling the transaction or trying to change the terms of the transaction. Whether you are buying or selling a business, it is important to consider getting legal help to assess the financial situation of the business in question and advise you accordingly. Read More 

4 Searches You Need When Buying A New Property

Buying a new property comes with a myriad of considerations especially when you consider the steep price you're paying for it. It's important to undertake some searches to ensure the property you intend to buy is well worth it. Here are some searches you need to consider when you buy a new property, which your conveyancer can help you with. Check The Property's Zoning Laws Every property in your state may be subject to certain zoning laws, so it's important to research these to know exactly how you can use it. Read More